Klip Global é un servizo de benestar laboral. Klip Global ofrece aos empregados plans personalizados, holísticos e apoiados pola ciencia para que poidan levar unha vida de impacto máis saudable e profundamente realizada.
Quote From BASW
"We were delighted to participate in the klip pilot and were incredibly impressed by the impact klip global services had on the wellbeing, development and life satisfaction of social workers who participated. We have incorporated klip as part of a wellbeing offer for our staff and have actively promoted it to our professional members nationally. We would recommend other organisations offer klip global services to deliver preventative and transformative impact for staff and create healthier, happier, more productive workplaces. We continue to work with klip as they evaluate and tailor the impact and outcomes of the service for staff wellbeing.”
Klip utiliza os poderes da ciencia e da comunidade para proporcionar coidados preventivos e integrales de benestar. Respaldado pola ciencia e centrado no usuario, centrámonos en axudar ás persoas a recoñecer como poden desbloquear o verdadeiro xenio que vive no seu núcleo, para axudalos a prosperar e vivir vidas máis saudables.
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